The project's context and positioning

The Research Center on Imaginary of Grenoble (CRI) was founded on December 2nd, 1966 by Léon Cellier, Paul Deschamps and Gilbert Durand. Looking back after fifty years of research, this symposium aims at examining Imaginary's contemporary theoretical and conceptual stakes as an interdisciplinary object.

We notice today that science and technology adopted the concept, both to fight a drying positivism as well as to find here the sources of a "philosophy of Innovation". At the same time, human and social sciences embrace the question and the practice of the narrative to rebase themselves. The technological, political, epistemic upheavals which our societies cross are also conducive to the "return" of the Imaginary, in the academic sense and in the common sense (and it will also be advisable to analyze the uses of the term).

The project's objectives

Symposium of the Fiftieth anniversary, these three and a half days will thus have for objective, on one hand, to re-place Gilbert Durand's works in the prospect of history and to operate a synthesis, up to here undone, of the fortune of Imaginary's concept in the years which precede and which accompany the assertion of an " Imaginary in power ". On another hand, our second objective will be the realization of a state of the art based on the very contemporary fields of Imaginary and on the perspectives they draw upon to help think the world of tomorrow.

The peculiarity of this symposium is to be both very international (thanks to the very active network CRI2i, cofounded by Grenoble's CRI) and very locally grounded at a regional and a metropolitan level. It has been elaborated in collaboration with the LLSETI of the University Savoie Mont-Blanc, where the CRI was born, and will take place on both sites. It is also the fruit of meetings between researchers of various disciplines inside the site's universities and schools, who wanted to interrogate the convergence of their stakes and of their research practices. The hypothesis of a "alpine crucible", forged in the 1970's and still active, will be challenged by researchers who thought in the site's establishments for several generations, around major works published by researchers of our universities.

The project's structure

The symposium of the CRI's fiftieth anniversary has deliberately adopted an unusual shape, favoring dialogue in all its forms (time for discussion after the conferences, workshops, reflection-dialogues, round tables, shared readings, poster session, urban walk) to make of these days a constructive and dynamic state of the art.


Last minute changes

- Mrs Rodica Chira & Mrs Sophie Poirot-Delpech, Mr Pierre Brunel & Mr Edgar Morin had to cancel their participation to this symposium. The other participations will take place in the program's order, but some reflection-dialogues will be shaped as a monologue.

- Carlos Carreto & Danilo Martuccelli's intervention ("Imaginairy and Contemporary", initially planned in the "critical Imaginary" session) has been interverted with Jean-Olivier Majastre's ("Imaginairy and psychoanalysis", initially planned in the  "Imaginary around the 1960's" session)



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